With the departure of winter comes the season of dresses, short skirts, bathing suits, and more. Then, it’s time to get our laser hair removal treatments. However, it is necessary to How To Prepare For A Laser Hair Removal Treatment. So your skin will look radiant all the time.
Before undergoing laser hair removal you should follow the recommendations below.
The Ideal Location

Before you undergo any hair removal treatment, you should find out which is the Best Laser Hair Removal Chicago. You need a responsible place with licensed individuals. Ask for references about the Laser Hair Removal Clinics in Chicago. And check their track record.
Moisturize your skin. We recommend applying moisturizer at least 3 days before waxing. It is recommended that you do this at least twice a day
It is important that the skin is well cleaned the day you go to your laser hair removal treatment. But be careful! On the day of treatment, do not use moisturizer.
Goodbye to suntan lotion
We love to have tanned skin. But before your treatment, don’t use self-tanning creams or UVA tanning sessions.
Don’t wax!
Yes, we know it is difficult, but you should not wax or use waxing creams for at least one month before laser hair removal. If you wish, you can shave with a razor.
No pool, beach or sun exposure
We’re back to the same thing! We think you’re going to have to wait a little while for your skin to take color. Forget about sunbathing for at least three days prior to your waxing session. After that, the specialists will recommend what to do.
Consider your Skin Type

Before having a Laser Hair Removal in Chicago treatment you will always have a consultation. It is necessary for me to know your skin type. This way you will know if you are a good candidate for this type of cosmetic treatment. Unfortunately not all skin types qualify. Hopefully technologies will emerge and improve over time. However, today there is a more advanced technology that allows us to enter that group of people who can have a laser hair removal. In general terms, the treatment is simple. Once we have determined the color of the hair, we must determine the phototype of your skin. This determines the type of laser depilation you need. There are 6 different phototypes:
TYPE I: White skin that burns easily and does not tan.
TYPE II: White skin that burns easily and tans minimally.
TYPE III: Slightly tanned skin that burns moderately and tans gradually.TYPE IV: Tan skin that burns minimally and tans well.
TYPE V: Very tanned skin that hardly burns and tans intensely.
TYPE VI: Black skin that does not burn and is deeply pigmented.
Now, once the skin type is determined, we must choose the type of laser.
Alexandrite Laser: It is a perfect laser for skin types I and II with dark hair.
Diode laser: This type of laser has a much longer wavelength, so it penetrates deeper into the skin. This is perfect for all skin types with medium to coarse hair.
Soprano Laser: It is perfect for skin types IV, V and VI. The ideal hair type for this type of laser is coarse, but it is also effective on fine hair.
Neodymium-Yag laser: Used on all skin types with coarse hair. However, this type of laser is less effective than the previous ones.
The choice of one or another type of laser requires, as mentioned, a previous study of the skin and hair. In this way, optimal results will be obtained in the fewest number of sessions possible.
For us, taking care of your skin is important. It is necessary that you follow the recommendations so that your skin does not suffer during the laser hair removal treatment.
Make sure all the chemical equipment used by the hair removal clinic is FDA approved so you know you’re in good hands and your skin won’t be harmed.
When you finish your hair removal session remember to moisturize the area with cream, preferably with aloe vera. Try to do this for 3 days three times a day. Always use sunscreen and avoid sun exposure for three days after your session.