Is Coolsculpting a safe Procedure for Fat Reduction?

 Is CoolSculpting a safe fat reduction procedure? Our experts answer common questions every day such as this. Read on and learn more.

CoolSculpting in Chicago is an FDA-approved fat reduction treatment. It removes localized fat indefinitely, using a cooling technology that eliminates fat cells. The fat is then eliminated through body fluids. It is a safe and non-invasive procedure that does not damage the skin.
The method, was developed by scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University. It uses a plate-shaped device applied to the skin to cool the adipocytes (fat cells). The application of cold breaks them down through cryolipolysis.

How does it work?

CoolSculpting works with intelligent cooling technology. Through the cooling effect, fat cells enter into apoptosis. Then macrophages eat the fat and the body eliminates them naturally. Finally, fat is expelled through the lymphatic system. This is why some compare it to liposuction. Coolsculpting ensures a loss of inches with a non-invasive technique. That means no downtime. In addition, all body contouring treatments in Chicago are safe techniques. That reduces fat while also improving the appearance of the skin.

Advantages of Coolsculpting

  • It is not an invasive treatment and there is no need for surgery or needles.
  • No need for anesthesia.
  • It does not damage the skin during the process.
  • The recovery is so quick that it allows you to live a normal life a few hours after undergoing this treatment.
  • The results are permanent because it reduces the number of adipocytes.
  • Safe and Comfortable.
This is a very comfortable procedure. While the treatment is being performed, patients can spend their time wisely. Either by reading, chatting, watching television, or surfing the Internet.

Contraindications of Coolsculpting

is coolsculpting a safe procedure
The results are not immediate. Compared to other techniques such as high-intensity ultrasound and laser fat removal. The effect is not so immediate. In other words, it takes a few months until the fat is reabsorbed by the body itself.
Typically, after two months, you can notice the reduction of fat has begun. And after four months, the maximum, you can reach the effect. Establishing between 5 and 7 millimeters of reduction of the fat thickness.
Its results are not definitive. Just like other fat reduction techniques, you can gain excess weight again if not careful. However, if the person follows a healthy diet and exercises, the procedure can last a lifetime.

If you would like more information about the CoolSculpting treatments. We recommend you  search for a Chicago CoolSculpting Center to get a Free evaluation.  Most medical spas in Chicago or Cosmetic Centers in Chicago are certified to administer  this non-invasive fat reduction or fat freezing technology. now you know it
is CoolSculpting a safe procedure for fat reduction? yes, it is

CoolSculpting vs Cryopolisis