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Why Not to Have a Traditional Liposuction

Why Not to Have a Traditional Liposuction

As with any cosmetic surgery, liposuction involves possible side effects. After surgery, scarring, bruising and swelling may be visible. The swelling and lumps that appear after surgery will not disappear completely until several months have passed. Here we will tell you more about this and why not to have a traditional liposuction. Keep reading.

While it takes time for the body to get used to its new shape, most patients who undergo liposuction are pleased. That’s because the results do not find the side effects to be debilitating. However, there are some cases of severe complications. That can be avoided with less invasive treatments such as Laser Fat Removal Chicago.
Here are some of the risks of traditional liposuction.

The Traditional Liposuction Risks

As with any type of cosmetic surgery, there is a risk of substantial swelling as a result of liposuction. In fact, some swelling is inevitable. During follow-up visits, it is important to tell your doctor about any changes in the degree of swelling. In addition, post-liposuction side effects you have. Significant increases may be a warning sign of other complications. Keep in mind that in order to maximize liposuction results and minimize recovery time. Communication between the physician and patient is important.
It is normal for swelling to occur in the ankles and areas that were treated. This may be accompanied by a knobby appearance in the area from which the fat was removed. Which will subside and take on a more natural appearance six months after surgery. If liposuction has been performed on the upper thighs. Patients may experience thrombophlebitis or inflammation of the veins in the treated area. After a few weeks, this will disappear. Discuss your expectations with your plastic surgeon before the procedure. And be aware of any complications that arise after liposuction surgery.
liposuction risks

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Liposuction Complications

Some dangers of liposuction include infection. A reaction against anesthesia, blood clotting, and fluid loss. Less serious risks of liposuction include bruising and scarring. Also skin numbness, and moderate problems such as changes in skin pigmentation. Complications of liposuction may include:
  • Infection.
  • Prolonged recovery time.
  • Allergic reaction to medication or anesthesia.
  • Fat or blood clots: clots can migrate to the lungs and cause death.
  • Excessive fluid loss: fluid loss can cause shock, and in some cases, death.
  • Fluid accumulation: Fluid needs to drain.
  • Friction burns.
  • Skin or nerve damage.
  • Damage to vital organs.

Choose Laserlipo

In short, if you want to try Laser Liposuction in Chicago treatment, look no further. Its a minimally-invasive treatment that has no high risks.

If you want to learn about this read this post:

Risks of Lipolaser

Our professionals are ready to give you the best service. Contact us and make an appointment. We look forward to seeing you!