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What Causes Cellulite?

Cellulite its a common skin condition that generates bumps and dimples. But we don’t have to let it be. Many treatments can help reduce the appearance of cellulite. First, learn more about the problem. You may be wondering: what causes cellulite? And what are the best cellulite treatments? Do you need to see a plastic surgeon? If you need Cellulite Removal, let us know.

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is the formation of lumps and dimples that appear on the thighs, hips, buttocks, and abdomen. Some common names for cellulite are orange-peel skin, cottage-cheese skin, and the mattress phenomenon. It can affect both men and women, but it is more common in females due to the different distributions of fat, muscle, and connective tissue.


What Causes Cellulite?

The exact cause of cellulite is unknown, but it appears to result from an interaction between the connective tissue in the dermatological layer below the skin’s surface and the layer of fat that is just below it.

In women, this layer’s fat cells and connective tissue arrange vertically. If the fat cells protrude into the layer of skin, this gives the appearance of cellulite. In men, the tissue has a criss-cross structure, which may explain why cellulite is less likely. That’s why we recommend women especially to take our Cellulite Removal Treatment.

Some other factors appear to be linked to the chance of developing cellulite like hormones. They play an essential role in cellulite development. Estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin are part of the cellulite production process. Fat cells also enlarge as estrogen levels fall. These factors combine to make the fat deposits more visible.

Also, age can be a factor. The skin becomes less elastic, thinner, and more likely to sag as time passes by. This increases the chance of cellulite developing.

Genetic also plays an important role. Specific genes help cellulite development. Genes can be linked to a person’s speed of metabolism, distribution of fat under the skin, collagen production, and circulatory levels. These can affect the chance of cellulite.


Exercise and a healthy lifestyle

Remember that a healthy lifestyle and strength training may help reduce the risk. Exercise will help increase blood circulation and reduce cellulite.

But, in some people, weight loss helps to prevent or minimize the appearance of cellulite. But in others, losing weight can make it worse. So, it is not recommendable to gain weight or lose it. Body fat shouldn’t be your primary concern, as it is for us, so we endorse you to prove Cellulite Removal Chicago.

In any case, there are other ways to achieve less noticeable cellulite

Cellulite Treatments

Where can you get rid of cellulite when nothing else works? Our Medical Spa Chicago has experience in FDA-approved laser treatments. You can try Body Shaping and Carboxytherapy in Chicago to say goodbye to those fat deposits and any amount of cellulite!

We are experts in aesthetic medicine, facial and body treatments. Our professional staff provides each of our patients with the best service. So, you can trust us your treatment. We have a plan for you. Our Med Spa is the right place to go for Body Sculpting in Chicago.