Skin Detox Routine

Every year we all make a lot of resolutions. From losing weight to becoming healthier overall. One of the things that a lot of people do is look for a way to detox themselves. More specifically, their skin. Thankfully, every year there are new trends and new ways to do it. And, as a medical spa, we have a great skin detox routine. So, if you want to learn how to keep that skin smooth and young, this article might help you. As always, we have the best tips and the best professionals working only with the best products for medical spas. Also, you can read our post Must-Try Facial Treatments.

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Cleanse every morning and afternoon

For your 2022 skin detox routine, it is paramount that you cleanse at these times of the day. During the morning, our skin gathers a lot of things from the night. And, when the afternoon arrives we already have some dirt and dust from the outside. Make the good habit of cleansing at these times.

skin detox habits

Apply serums and moisturizers

You need to apply these two things in that order. Serums are great for a lot of things. A doctor might recommend one specific for you. Yet, after using one, it is always important to apply a moisturizer. This will keep your skin’s elasticity good while also taking care of its overall look.

Use sunscreen

Sun damage is quite common and in our city, the sun hits hard. During summer, a lot of people want to go outside. That is completely valid as long as you protect your skin. Make sure that you always have some sunscreen with you when going out.

Sleep well

Believe it or not, sleeping can do wonders for your skin. We recommend that you always sleep 8 to 9 hours a day. This will keep your skin without wrinkles and will make cleansing and detoxing a lot easier. As always, stay away from things like smoking and you’ll be great! Yet, if you need an extra hand, don’t hesitate on calling a medical spa like us!

The best Facials in Chicago

We are the best Medical Spa Chicago  for any treatment. Call us today and get  a virtual consultation for Microneedling Chicago.