One of the most important aspects of CoolSculpting sessions. Is maintaining the desired results.It is to eat a healthy and well-balanced diet. It is important that fat accumulation prevented again. So, you have to plan a diet after all the sessions. Here are some diet recommendations to maintain coolsculpting results.
After eliminating localized fat. A balance must maintained between the index of muscle and fat mass. Here we will give you some recommendations of foods that you can consume and should include in your diet.
• A diet high in protein, amino acids. And fiber Recovering bodies need a normal, balanced diet. With enough protein and essential amino acids,
It is important to clarify that a restrictive has not made. Because there could be consequences. Instead, a balanced diet with fiber and fluids should made. This will prevent difficulties in the body.
• Foods high in iron and vitamin KVitamin K is essential to promote blood coagulation. Helps tissues heal much faster and thus prevents bleeding problems. Vitamin K is present in many foods, especially green leafy vegetables. In these foods, there is also a good amount of iron. This helps to create red blood cells.
• Vitamin K1 is present in foods such as liver, cow’s milk, egg yolks, and some cereals.
Diet to Maintain CoolSculpting Results
Aliments with vitamin C help healing. It collaborates with the development and maintenance of tissues. It helps with blood vessels and cartilage. Can drop toxins and fights bacteria. The vitamin is present in foods such as oranges, tangerines, kiwis, and strawberries. As for vegetables, try broccoli and paprika.
The vitamin A-rich foods They help regenerate the skin. Help maintain the general health of the skin and generate new skin cells. This vitamin is present in foods such as carrots, spinach, and meats such as beef and chicken. They are suitable foods for recovery.
Eat several times a day. You have to plan the diet to eat food several times a day, lightly and in moderate quantity.
• Zinc-rich foods Zinc has the ability to speed healing. It found in foods such as watermelon, sesame, or garlic. Also in protein sources such as shrimp and red meat.
Besides to these recommendations, it recommended. To drink water and other non-carbonated liquids, as well as fresh fruit. Another element that should incorporate.
Into the diet are healthy fats such as olive oil, almonds, and walnuts. As for dairy, the best are low-fat cheese and almond milk.
Call today and schedule your Coolsculpting Treatment in Chicago!
These are some of the recommendations that you should follow. If you want to have a speedy recovery and good results. Do not hesitate to contact Spa Chicago and receive the best advice.